There has been some accidents involving escalators. Even thought they are relatively safe, it's a machine and takes time to stop. But once they grab a hold of you, it's like a meat grinder. It will tear you up. To avoid any accidents, don't let jacket, scarfs, shoe laces or anything that hangs off your body and touch the steps. Watch when you step on the escalator. Don't put your feel to the side, under the brushes. Keep your feet in the center of the step. ALWAYS face forward, horsing around will not end well . As you come to the end of your ride on the escalator, watch the step as it comes into the comb plate. Pick your feet up and step off the escalator, don't shuffle your feet off. And last but not least always on to the hand rail. If the escalator comes to a sudden stop, at least you will be able to hold your balance and stay on your feet, preventing a fall.
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